
Friday, December 11, 2009

Vauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall has announced the arrival of a new Aussie musclecar – the VXR8 – and it’s more powerful and exciting than even the legendary Monaro. It now develops a massive 420PS and 550Nm of torque, giving it enough grunt to sprint from 0-60mph in just 4.9 seconds. No other supercar offers this sort of power for anywhere near the VXR8’s price.

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8

Vauxhall VXR8, saloon, sport carVauxhall VXR8
via desktopmachine

Yamaha Mio 2006 Gaya Dragster Modif

Yamaha Mio 2006 Gaya Dragster Modif - Hendry Abah tergolong berani an nekad hanya karena ingin memenuhi ide liarnya. Bayangkan, warga asal Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat ini ingin Yamaha Mio 2006 dibikin jadi motor bergaya drag. Padahal, gen skutik garputala itu skutik, berarti hanya mesin berikut CVT-nya yang terpakai.

"Kami memang sudah niat bikin ubahan yang ekstrem. Makanya, sekalian cari bentuk yang memang belum ada, khususnya di Pontianak," ungkap Abah. Boleh jadi, idenya itu sebagai terobosan.

Dr X bengkel yang memodifikasi, terpaksa harus membuat sasis baru. Secara desai pun Abah masih meraba-raba. Yang diutamakan, katanya, terlihat kokoh dan aman.

Untuk sasis menggunakan dua ukuran pipa besin. Untuk ukuran terbesar berdiameter 5 cm dipakai pada bagian belakang. Sebab, fungsinya selain sebagai tempat duduk, juga pegangan mesin.

Pipa satu lagi, berdiameter 3 cm dengan tebal 3 mm untuk depan karena fungsi dan beban tidak seberat belakang. Pertimbangan dua ukuran tersebut agar tetap enak dipandang dan tidak terlalu berat.

Karena tanpa cover bodi, agar mengurangi pipa yang telanjang, maka pada bagian tengah dibikin tangki bensin berdaya muat 3 liter. Suspensi juga ikut dirombak, untuk belakang yang sudah mundur 20 cm, sok belakang ikut dipindahkan."Posisinya kami tempatkan di tengah an sedikit agar tidur. Konstruksi ini diyakini cocok untuk bodi seperti sekarang," papar Abah.

Begitu juga untuk depan. Mengandalkan upside down dengan posisi sedikit miring. Dengan begitu, tambah Abah posisi pengendara jadi pas. Gaya drag banget. Enggak salah, Bah. (Nurfil)

Yamaha Mio 2006 Gaya Dragster Modif

Yamaha Mio 2006 Gaya Dragster Modif - Hendry Abah tergolong berani an nekad hanya karena ingin memenuhi ide liarnya. Bayangkan, warga asal Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat ini ingin Yamaha Mio 2006 dibikin jadi motor bergaya drag. Padahal, gen skutik garputala itu skutik, berarti hanya mesin berikut CVT-nya yang terpakai.

"Kami memang sudah niat bikin ubahan yang ekstrem. Makanya, sekalian cari bentuk yang memang belum ada, khususnya di Pontianak," ungkap Abah. Boleh jadi, idenya itu sebagai terobosan.

Dr X bengkel yang memodifikasi, terpaksa harus membuat sasis baru. Secara desai pun Abah masih meraba-raba. Yang diutamakan, katanya, terlihat kokoh dan aman.

Untuk sasis menggunakan dua ukuran pipa besin. Untuk ukuran terbesar berdiameter 5 cm dipakai pada bagian belakang. Sebab, fungsinya selain sebagai tempat duduk, juga pegangan mesin.

Pipa satu lagi, berdiameter 3 cm dengan tebal 3 mm untuk depan karena fungsi dan beban tidak seberat belakang. Pertimbangan dua ukuran tersebut agar tetap enak dipandang dan tidak terlalu berat.

Karena tanpa cover bodi, agar mengurangi pipa yang telanjang, maka pada bagian tengah dibikin tangki bensin berdaya muat 3 liter. Suspensi juga ikut dirombak, untuk belakang yang sudah mundur 20 cm, sok belakang ikut dipindahkan."Posisinya kami tempatkan di tengah an sedikit agar tidur. Konstruksi ini diyakini cocok untuk bodi seperti sekarang," papar Abah.

Begitu juga untuk depan. Mengandalkan upside down dengan posisi sedikit miring. Dengan begitu, tambah Abah posisi pengendara jadi pas. Gaya drag banget. Enggak salah, Bah. (Nurfil)

MODIFIKASI EXTREM TOYOTA YARIS - Seandainya permainan warnanya biasa-biasa, hasil modifikasi Toyota Yaris punya Surya ini terkesan biasa. Kuatnya kombinasi warna bercorak urat kayu membuat kendaraan hatchback tersebut menjadi ekstrem.

Apalagi pintu belakang dipangkas dan tinggal dua dengan model gunting. Perubahan daun pintu itu diwanti oleh Surya tanpa menyentuh pilar. "Solusinya, daun pinti dipanjangin 10 cm," jelas Surya. Trus, posisi buka kap mesin dibalik dan pada bagian atap (dekat kaca) dikasih air scoop.

Karena pengin tampilan eksrem, bodi pun ikut dipermak. Rumah modifikasi Namura Hyan membentuk detail dengan bagus. Apron depan melar sampai 17 cm karena untuk mendapatkan bentuk yang harmonis dengan kontur lampu yang lebar dan menyempit. Untuk lampu utama dicomot dari Mitsubishi Grandis.

Untuk bagian belakang dibikin lebih lebar 20 cm. Kalau dilihat dari samping, seperti menggunakan sayap ganda yang terdapat di atas dan tengah. "Sayap belakang sengaja dibuat dimensinya lebih lebar untuk mengimbangi depan agar tidak polos," papar Willy, bos Namura.

Karena tak mau dibilang menang tampang, dalam pun dirombak ekstrem juga. Seluruh dinding dilapisi kulit. Setir racing, bagian atas dan bawahnya dipotong dan di ruang penumpang depan terdapat tabung NOS ZX.

Sama seperti bodi, audio pun tak kalah sangar. Supaya suara menggelegar, instalatur dari XXXAudio Palembang memasang 8 subwoofer berdimensi 10 dan 12 inci dari Rockford Fosgate PI. Penyalur daya sistem audio dipercayakan pada 3 unit power, masing-masing PCA lima channel dan dua Hurricane monoblock.

Meski tongkrongan ceper, Yaris ini tak tak melewati jalan bergelombang. Pasalnya, dari balik velg Mork Meister tersembuyni air suspension. (Tomo)

MODIFIKASI EXTREM TOYOTA YARIS - Seandainya permainan warnanya biasa-biasa, hasil modifikasi Toyota Yaris punya Surya ini terkesan biasa. Kuatnya kombinasi warna bercorak urat kayu membuat kendaraan hatchback tersebut menjadi ekstrem.

Apalagi pintu belakang dipangkas dan tinggal dua dengan model gunting. Perubahan daun pintu itu diwanti oleh Surya tanpa menyentuh pilar. "Solusinya, daun pinti dipanjangin 10 cm," jelas Surya. Trus, posisi buka kap mesin dibalik dan pada bagian atap (dekat kaca) dikasih air scoop.

Karena pengin tampilan eksrem, bodi pun ikut dipermak. Rumah modifikasi Namura Hyan membentuk detail dengan bagus. Apron depan melar sampai 17 cm karena untuk mendapatkan bentuk yang harmonis dengan kontur lampu yang lebar dan menyempit. Untuk lampu utama dicomot dari Mitsubishi Grandis.

Untuk bagian belakang dibikin lebih lebar 20 cm. Kalau dilihat dari samping, seperti menggunakan sayap ganda yang terdapat di atas dan tengah. "Sayap belakang sengaja dibuat dimensinya lebih lebar untuk mengimbangi depan agar tidak polos," papar Willy, bos Namura.

Karena tak mau dibilang menang tampang, dalam pun dirombak ekstrem juga. Seluruh dinding dilapisi kulit. Setir racing, bagian atas dan bawahnya dipotong dan di ruang penumpang depan terdapat tabung NOS ZX.

Sama seperti bodi, audio pun tak kalah sangar. Supaya suara menggelegar, instalatur dari XXXAudio Palembang memasang 8 subwoofer berdimensi 10 dan 12 inci dari Rockford Fosgate PI. Penyalur daya sistem audio dipercayakan pada 3 unit power, masing-masing PCA lima channel dan dua Hurricane monoblock.

Meski tongkrongan ceper, Yaris ini tak tak melewati jalan bergelombang. Pasalnya, dari balik velg Mork Meister tersembuyni air suspension. (Tomo)

Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave dari Malang — Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave dari Malang, Jawa Timur, ini simpel. Namun kalau dari depan, motor ini seperti Bumblebee di film Transformers, dan juga terkesan sangar. Secara keseluruhan, Suzuki Skywave ini enak dilihat, sesuai dengan keinginan sang empunya motor, M Subhan Sahroni. "Prinsip saya, meski banyak dirombak, tetap terlihat wajar, enggak aneh," papar Roni, panggilan sehari-hari Sahroni.

Roda belakang sudah dimundurkan 15 cm dengan velg full custom 8 inci supaya tampak harmonis di semua sisi. Sementara itu, velg depan yang dipilih punya lebar 3,5 inci. Menurut Roni, handling akan merepotkan kalau ban terlalu lebar.

Desain velg secara khusus mengacu pada model yang banyak diaplikasi komunitas H-D beraliran chopper. Jadi, Roni enggak mau hanya sekadar pakai velg mobil. Ia juga harus memikirkan desain palangnya dan velg seperti ini termasuk one piece. Itu artinya, antara palang dan bibir rim menjadi satu kesatuan.

Untuk mengimbangi roda besar tadi, bagian bodi memerlukan penambahan agar tampak gambot. Enggak harus rombak total, tetapi cukup dengan penambahan body kit di beberapa bagian. Misalnya cover depan atau tepatnya atas lampu utama.

Penambahan lainnya tampak pada sisi samping cover depan. "Dengan penambahan bodi depan, kami tanam semacam lampu sein," komentarnya. Begitu juga dengan penambahan di bagian bawah dek atau side skirt. Semuanya menggunakan fiberglass. (Ade, Nurfil)

Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave dari Malang — Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave dari Malang, Jawa Timur, ini simpel. Namun kalau dari depan, motor ini seperti Bumblebee di film Transformers, dan juga terkesan sangar. Secara keseluruhan, Suzuki Skywave ini enak dilihat, sesuai dengan keinginan sang empunya motor, M Subhan Sahroni. "Prinsip saya, meski banyak dirombak, tetap terlihat wajar, enggak aneh," papar Roni, panggilan sehari-hari Sahroni.

Roda belakang sudah dimundurkan 15 cm dengan velg full custom 8 inci supaya tampak harmonis di semua sisi. Sementara itu, velg depan yang dipilih punya lebar 3,5 inci. Menurut Roni, handling akan merepotkan kalau ban terlalu lebar.

Desain velg secara khusus mengacu pada model yang banyak diaplikasi komunitas H-D beraliran chopper. Jadi, Roni enggak mau hanya sekadar pakai velg mobil. Ia juga harus memikirkan desain palangnya dan velg seperti ini termasuk one piece. Itu artinya, antara palang dan bibir rim menjadi satu kesatuan.

Untuk mengimbangi roda besar tadi, bagian bodi memerlukan penambahan agar tampak gambot. Enggak harus rombak total, tetapi cukup dengan penambahan body kit di beberapa bagian. Misalnya cover depan atau tepatnya atas lampu utama.

Penambahan lainnya tampak pada sisi samping cover depan. "Dengan penambahan bodi depan, kami tanam semacam lampu sein," komentarnya. Begitu juga dengan penambahan di bagian bawah dek atau side skirt. Semuanya menggunakan fiberglass. (Ade, Nurfil)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2010 Toyota 4Runner Amazing Sport Car

1984 is the year when Toyota launching first 4Runner sport utility vehicle (SUV). Nowadays Toyota 4 4Runner back to the market with more variety of Toyota 4Runner. This Toyota 4Runner is the 4th generation with more power and better mileage. Toyota 4Runner use the completely redesigned interior and unique cargo area for Toyota 4Runners smarter making Toyota 4Runner comfortable than ever.

When the first Toyota 4Runner sport utility vehicle (SUV) was launched back in 1984 it was a revolutionary new vehicle based on the mechanics of the four-wheel-drive Toyota pickup truck. The Toyota 4Runner combined the versatility and go-anywhere ability of four-wheel-drive with the comfort and utility found in passenger cars.

2010 Toyota 4Runner Test Drive

2010 Toyota 4Runner Trim

Twenty-five years, four generations and more than 1.5 million sales later, the Toyota 4Runner continues to evolve while remaining close to its roots. The all-new fifth-generation Toyota 4Runner is even more rugged and athletic, and packed with more power and better mileage. A completely redesigned interior and unique cargo area make the newest Toyota 4Runner smarter, more comfortable, and more versatile than ever.

“Backed by a quarter-century of heritage combined with the integration of the latest comfort, convenience and performance technologies, the all-new fifth-generation Toyota 4Runner has evolved into one of the most advanced mid-sized truck-based SUV’s on the market while at the same time staying true to its roots as a rugged and durable off-roader,” said Bob Carter, group vice president and general manager of Toyota Division.

More rugged than the Toyota Highlander and more versatile than the FJ Cruiser, the 4Runner combines the toughness and durability of body-on-frame construction with multi-use design that excels at a wide variety of tasks.

The newest Toyota 4Runner is taller, wider and longer for 2010, and is available in a variety of configurations. It will be offered in three models, top-of-the-line Limited, a well-equipped SR5, plus a Trail grade for those who require maximum off-road capability.

Drivetrain configurations include rear wheel 4×2, part-time 4×4 and full-time multi-mode 4×4 with a locking center differential. All 4×4 models are equipped with a 4.0-liter V6 mated to a five-speed ECT-i automatic transmission. The 4×2 models will be equipped with either a 2.7-liter four-cylinder engine mated to a four-speed ECT automatic or the 4.0-liter V6 with the five-speed ECT-i automatic. Optional third-row seats allow for up to seven-person capacity.

Exterior Styling

The design strategy for the new Toyota 4Runner emphasizes a more rugged, powerful stance. Large diameter wheels and tires were added to not only improve off-road performance, but also enhance the Toyota 4Runner’s truck-based characteristics. In addition to its styling emphasis on ruggedness and outdoor adventure, the new design utilizes a combination of Toyota’s classic boxy form and progressive styling.

All Toyota 4Runner grades feature rugged new bumpers and wider shoulders, with newly designed head- lamp and tail-light systems, which offer a newly-minted, technical design quality and better nighttime performance. The front ends square fender flares meld with a muscular profile that links with a beefy and square rear bumper and back door.

Aluminum alloy wheels are 17-inches in diameter on SR5 and Trail grades and 20-inches on the Limited, and include a full size spare.

In addition to its distinctive front grille, the SR5 grade also adopts overfenders and mud guards to help tackle inclement weather and off-road conditions. A roof rack comes standard for hauling equipment for outdoor activities.

The Trail grade is designed to maximize off-road performance with a superior approach and departure angles, high ground clearance, and an array of functional upgrades for the most demanding active outdoor enthusiast. It can be distinguished by a unique hood scoop, unique 17-inch wheels, black outer mirrors, front and rear bumper guards and dark smoke treatment on the head and tail lamps.

The Limited and SR5 grades add to the muscular design with special touches that provide a premium appearance. The front end includes a chrome-plated front grille insert, fog lamp bezel and front bumper molding. Front and rear overfenders and side skirts are color-keyed. Chrome plating is also found on the side molding, roof rack and rear bumper.

Turn signals on SR5 and Limited V6 grades are now incorporated into the outside mirrors, along with puddle lamps.

Toyota 4Runner is available in six exterior colors. Three new colors, Shoreline Blue Pearl, Magnetic Gray Metallic and Classic Silver Metallic, join carryovers Blizzard Pearl, Salsa Red Pearl and Black.

New Engine Choices

The 2010 4Runner is powered by a new 4.0-liter V6, which now generates 270 horsepower and 278 lb-ft of torque. Through the use of advanced engine management that includes dual independent Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i), the new 4.0-liter engine offers the best of both worlds, adding more power while improving efficiency. For 2010, the new V6 engine produces 34 horsepower more than the prior V6, and 10 horsepower more than the optional V8 of the previous generation.

Additional mileage improvements have come from careful attention to wind flow, reducing aerodynamic drag to a Cd of 0.365. EPA-estimated mileage improves from 16 city and 21 highway to 17 city/23 highway for the 4×2, and from 16 city and 20 highway to 17 city/22 highway for 4×4 models. Both achieve an EPA-estimated 19 mpg combined, an improvement of more than five percent. With the new 4.0-liter engine, maximum towing capacity is 5,000 pounds.

In addition to the upgraded V6 engine, a proven 2.7-liter four-cylinder engine with VVT-i is available on the 4×2 SR5 model. The gutsy DOHC, 16-valve 2.7 makes 157 horsepower and 178 lb-ft of torque. Mated to a four-speed automatic transmission with 2.80:1 first gear and 0.753 overdrive 4th, the 2.7 delivers 18 city/23 highway mpg.

4×4 Capability Designed-In

To build on its tradition of rugged body-on-frame construction, the newest Toyota 4Runner shares the same platform as the FJ Cruiser. Extensive frame and body reinforcements have been added, using high-tensile materials to add strength without adding weight. SR5 and Trail 4×4 models have a two-speed lever-operated, part-time system with neutral position, while the Toyota 4Runner Limited is equipped with full-time, four-wheel-drive with a locking center differential and employs a three-mode, center console-mounted switch. The new Toyota 4Runner is also equipped with a stronger rear differential over the previous model, thanks to a gear ring that has increased in size from 7.87 to 8.18 inches.

To enhance grip, the A-TRAC system is now standard equipment on all 4×4 models. The system can distribute driving force to any one wheel in contact with the ground, making terrain irregularities and slippery patches transparent to the driver. An electronic-locking rear differential is standard on the Trail grade. Axles house 3.73 gears, or 4.56:1 with the 2.7-liter engine and the differential housings have improved seals for better resistance to mud and water.

An array of advanced features, formerly only available in the Land Cruiser, further boosts off-highway capabilities. The Trail grade offers Toyota’s Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS) as an option. KDSS radically improves terrain-following ability by disconnecting stabilizer bars to allow for more axle travel, and better suspension articulation in slow, difficult terrain.

Toyota’s Crawl Control (CRAWL) feature is standard on the Trail grade. CRAWL is an adjustable electro-mechanical system that can be tuned to match the terrain by selecting any of five speed levels. The system maintains an appropriate speed that keeps the vehicle under control and minimizes the load on drivetrain and suspension components. The CRAWL feature helps make traversing difficult terrain easier and safer. With the transfer case shifted into low range, Crawl Control regulates engine speed and output (along with braking force), to propel the vehicle forward or in reverse at one of the five low-speed settings. This allows the driver to maintain focus while steering over very rough level ground or steep grades, without having to also modulate the throttle, or brake, pedals.

The Trail grade also features a Multi-Terrain Select system which allows the 4×4 operator to dial in wheel slip control to match the terrain. In loose terrain such as mud and sand, more-than-normal wheel slip is permitted, allowing wheel-spin to work in the vehicle’s favor. On bumpy moguls, or solid rock, wheel slip is minimized and the system acts more like a limited slip. The Mogul setting is for any extremely uneven terrain, such as V-ditches, slopes, and ridges, uphill or down.

All Toyota 4Runner 4×4 models are standard-equipped with Downhill Assist Control (DAC), which is designed to augment the low-speed ascending ability of low-range by holding the vehicle to a target speed with no driver intervention. All V6 Toyota 4Runner models come standard with Hill-start Assist Control (HAC), which provides additional control for off-road driving by helping to keep the vehicle stationary while starting on a steep incline or slippery surface.

On-Road Driving Dynamics

The new Toyota 4Runner may be a truck-based SUV, but it offers the kind of drivability and riding comfort more often associated with car-based platforms.

Coil springs over gas shocks are used at all four corners for a comfortable ride and controlled handling. A double-wishbone independent front suspension, combined with new, variable-flow rack and pinion steering, makes for precise control on demanding roadways. The four-link rear suspension minimizes rear axle hop and assures a smooth ride for back seat passengers.

The Limited grade comes standard with an X-REAS suspension system that further improves performance, comfort and control. X-REAS automatically adjusts the damping force of shocks when driving over bumpy surfaces, or when cornering. The system uses a center control absorber to cross-link shocks on opposite corners of the vehicle, substantially reducing pitch and yaw by offsetting opposing inputs. With X-REAS the new Toyota 4Runner corners flatter, smoother, and handles choppy pavement more easily.

Every Safety Precaution Considered

On-road vehicle dynamics are further enhanced by a suite of high-performance, state-of-the-art safety systems. Standard on 4Runner is Toyota’s Star Safety System™, which includes Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) with traction control (TRAC), an Anti-Lock Brake System with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist. Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) helps to ensure stability by compensating for oversteer or understeer. The system uses selective braking and modulated engine output to keep the vehicle in line with the driver’s intended course. On 4×2 vehicles, the Auto LSD (Limited Slip Differential) system allows for better traction on slippery sections of roadway.

The four-wheel ABS with EBD provides the Toyota 4Runner anti-lock stopping control with optimal brake proportioning, whether the vehicle is loaded or unloaded. Hill-start Assist Control (HAC), standard on all 4×4 models and the 4×2 V6, suppresses backward roll when switching from brake to accelerator. All 2010 4Runners have active headrests for driver and passenger, three-point seat belts for all seats, an energy-absorbing body structure and an energy-absorbing hood to help protect pedestrians.

A system of eight standard airbags includes front, side-mounted and knee airbags for the driver and front passenger, and side curtain airbags for the second and third row.

The 2010 4Runner now offers the new Safety Connect™ telematics system. Available by subscription, with or without the optional navigation system, Safety Connect offers four safety and security features: Automatic Collision Notification, Stolen Vehicle Location, Emergency Assistance Button (SOS), and Roadside Assistance.

In case of either airbag deployment or severe rear-end collision Automatic Collision Notification is designed to automatically call a response center. If a response agent cannot communicate with the occupants, the agent can contact the nearest emergency-services provider to dispatch assistance.

Pushing the in-vehicle “SOS” button allows drivers to reach the response center to request help in an emergency as well as for a wide range of roadside assistance needs. If a Toyota 4Runner equipped with Safety Connect is stolen, after a police report is filed and the driver contacts the response center, agents can work with local authorities to help locate and recover the vehicle.

Safety Connect is standard, factory-installed hardware on the Toyota 4Runner Limited and available via an active subscription. An included one year trial subscription will be offered on equipped new vehicle purchases.

A rear-view monitor system is standard on Limited and Trail grades and optional on the SR5. The system displays in the rear-view mirror, helping to keep track of hard-to-see objects to the rear of the vehicle. A rear clearance sonar system is standard on SR5 models.

Everyday Convenience and Utility

The all-new Toyota 4Runner has been thoughtfully equipped with features and systems to create a comfortable travel space, allowing for convenient operation in everyday use.

The larger interior has been completely redesigned with comfort and utility in mind. The front seats have a greater range of adjustment, both vertically and front to rear.

A bright, highly visible dash houses speedometer, tachometer, voltage, fuel and temp gauges, plus a combination meter that offers multiple functions. An Eco-Driving feedback system allows the driver to manage fuel consumption in real time. Within easy reach of the driver is an overhead console that organizes the off-road control switches into one location. Features like a compass indicator and outside temperature display add functionality in outdoor settings.

A manual climate control air conditioning system is standard on SR5 and Trail grades. An automatic dual zone climate control air conditioning system is standard on the Limited. The system features driver and passenger independent temperature controls, providing separate comfort levels.

For second-row passengers, a newly sculpted front seat-back shape provides additional knee space. A center armrest has been added, and the second-row seats now individually recline up to 16 degrees in four steps.

Third-row seating has been enhanced with a larger, more supportive seating area. Access to the third row has been improved by splitting the second-row seats into a 40/20/40 configuration and adopting a one-touch walk-in function.

A rich leather interior is standard on the Limited grade and optional on SR5. The interior sports newly designed interior color schemes, using Black (Limited only), and Sand Beige. Graphite and Sand Beige fabric is standard on SR5 and Trail. Water-resistant fabric seats are standard equipment of Trail models.

Cargo-Carrying Versatility

The cargo area has been re-engineered to be more versatile than any SUV on the market.

More cargo space is available due to the fold-flat second-row rear seats, which do not require removal of the headrest for rearrangement. For models with three rows of seats, the third row seats are split 50/50, and they readily fold flat to allow the seatback to become the floor of the luggage compartment. They can be folded from the side, or at the rear, using separate one-touch mechanisms. With this new arrangement, more cargo space is available without removing seats, and longer items can be conveniently stored.

A Smart Key System featuring keyless entry with push-button start is standard on the Limited grade. The system allows the driver to unlock or start the vehicle by carrying the keyless remote. The back door window has jam control, like the moonroof and power side windows.

Another convenience feature is an available pull-out cargo deck that is capable of carrying up to 440 pounds of weight. The cargo deck slides out to make loading heavy items easier. When extended, the sturdy cargo deck can also be used to provide seating, sheltered by the hatch, for tailgating and campsite relaxation. For models with the sliding deck, a 6.4-liter capacity storage box has been installed behind the rear seat, for handy storage of tools or other items.

Audio with “Party Mode”

The SR5 base audio system has an AM/FM/CD player with eight speakers, providing quality sound throughout the cabin and is XM® Satellite Radio capable with a SDARS tuner.

Standard audio on the Trail grade and optional on SR5 is an AM/FM/MP3 CD player with eight speakers, integrated XM Satellite Radio (includes 90-day trial subscription), USB port with iPod connectivity, hands-free phone capability and music streaming via Bluetooth® Wireless Technology, and steering wheel audio controls.

The Premium JBL audio system has a six-disk in-dash CD changer and 15 speakers for outstanding audio performance. For models equipped with the optional navigation system, a four-disk CD changer is used, and XM Satellite Radio, Bluetooth, and iPod with MP3 control functions are included, with 15-speaker JBL audio. Reception has been enhanced on and off-road by adopting a fender-mounted, pole-type antenna. The navigation system includes a large seven-inch monitor and features an eco function that allows you to monitor fuel consumption per minute in real time, and fuel consumption per interval.

A “party mode” setting raises the bass and transfers the equalization to the rear of the vehicle to provide excellent outside audio for tailgating. Party mode benefits from rear hatch-mounted speakers and is actuated by a switch, installed in the instrument panel to the right of the driver’s seat (rear hatch speakers function with, or without, party mode).

“In 1984 the first Toyota 4Runner helped cultivate and foster the up-and-coming SUV market, said Carter. “When the new Toyota 4Runner launches later this fall it will continue to be a perfect fit for young, and young-at-heart, outdoor and off-road enthusiasts.”

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Renault Twingo Trophy V8' new comer in 2010

The French tuner took a base first-generation Twingo mini and turned it into a track-racer by throwing out the puny, front-mounted stock engine and installing a Range-Rover-sourced 3.5-liter V8 with 180 horsepower behind the front seats. Power is transferred to the rear wheels through a 5-speed manual gearbox.a 5-speed manual gearbox.

Volkswagen Scirocco Cup to launch in 2010

auto racing Volkswagen presents world's most eco-friendly one-make cup

Wolfsburg (24 October 2009). Yet again Volkswagen proves that it is a trendsetter, organising a one-make cup featuring Bio-CNG-powered vehicles starting in 2010. With a CO2 reduction of up to 80 per cent Volkswagen demonstrates that major innovative strides are still possible in motorsport.

Ultima The fastest car

A small, British car company is laying claim to the Top Gear test track lap record. The only problem, is that Top Gear was not involved.

Audi Forza TT Special Editions Unveiled

autotive car, Forza Motorsport 3 is one of the biggest racing video games to appear this year, and in order to commemorate this occasion, its publisher, Microsoft, has teamed up with Audi to create a special customized edition of its TT performance coupe.

SEMA Debut: Fox Marketing 2010 Lexus IS350C

The sport automotive car

* Jashaan Autosports powered by ProCharger Supercharger System (405hp @ 6psi)
* ProCharger C-2 Blower
* Yonaka Intercooler Type 10 22x9x3
* Yonaka 2.5 inch Stainless Intercooler Piping
* Yonaka Couplers & Silicone hoses
* AMSOIL 0w-30 Signature Series Synthetic Fluids
* AMSOIL EA Oil Filter
* AMSOIL Antifreeze
* F-Sport Exhaust

New Porsche 911 GT3 RS Laps Nurburgring fast car

The best modivication of automotive. Evo magazine is reporting the newly facelifted 2010 Porsche 911 GT3 RS has unofficially lapped Nurburgring Nordschleife in 7min 33sec. That's still significantly slower than the current leaders, which include the Corvette ZR1 (7m26.4s), Gumpert Apollo (7m11.57s), Radical SR8LM (6m48s) and the highly disputed Nissan GT-R (7m27.56s), however, compared to the regular 911 GT3 it is a full seven seconds quicker.

2010 Buick LaCrosse CXL

New comer With great fanfare, General Motors has introduced the 2010 Buick LaCrosse, a vehicle with which the automaker hopes to jump-start a sweeping brand transformation for the tired Tri-Shield. For Buick to be a success in GM's post-bailout, post-bankruptcy era, the brand must dump its well-deserved reputation as the preferred marque of last-time buyers. (Average age of previous-model LaCrosse buyer: Around 70.) For better or worse, as it scrambles to get more – and younger – drivers behind the wheel, Buick has elected to position itself as America's Lexus in a bid to give itself some premium cachet.

With great fanfare, General Motors has introduced the 2010 Buick LaCrosse, a vehicle with which the automaker hopes to jump-start a sweeping brand transformation for the tired Tri-Shield. For Buick to be a success in GM's post-bailout, post-bankruptcy era, the brand must dump its well-deserved reputation as the preferred marque of last-time buyers. (Average age of previous-model LaCrosse buyer: Around 70.) For better or worse, as it scrambles to get more – and younger – drivers behind the wheel, Buick has elected to position itself as America's Lexus in a bid to give itself some premium cachet.

Axon Automotive unveils Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

New UK car manufacturer Axon Automotive has previewed its plug-in hybrid electric vehicle at the Milton Keynes Science Festival. The vehicle combines full electric mode for local travel and uses a petrol or bioethanol powered engine for long distance or motorway travel.

1966 Chevrolet Corvette sale on eBay

There are so many things wrong with this 'one-off' 1966 Chevrolet Corvette (said to be crafted by a Chuck Caddell of Gardendale Texas in the early 1970's) that's up for sale on eBay Motors that we don't know where to start; the shaved windshield, the bullet-like nose job, the psychedelic paint job or the HEMI V8 transplant - critics and haters take your pick.

Buick Releases Two New Spy Shots Of 2011 Regal Sedan

The spy shots themselves reveal little except that Buick is working hard to build hype and interest in the car in advance of its production debut.

Ferrari 550 GTZ: Zagato and Ferrari's Swansong Collaboration Revealed

Italian design and engineering company Zagato has worked with a number of other Italian brands in the past, including the best-known of them all, Ferrari. As a 90th anniversary celebration they are collaborating with Maranello once again. The last time the two came together was for the 575 GTZ made for Japanese collector Yoshiyuki Hayashi.

Corvette GTR by Specter Werkes

The latest Corvette GTR by Specter Werkes/Sports debuts Nov. 3 at the annual SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Distinguished by its unique, BASF Pearl Blue exterior color and HRE CF40 carbon fiber wheels, the newest GTR will be on display outside the Las Vegas Convention Center's Central Hall, as a feature vehicle for HRE.

BMW Z4 M Package was spotted

Since BMW is not producing a high-performance Z4 M for the current model the kit is just about as close as fans will get to that halo car. Unfortunately even accompanying engine upgrades are not expected, although the new 326hp, 450Nm M Sport power pack for the 135i and 335i cannot be discounted.

BMW M5 convertible cars

Amongst M Division cognoscenti there rages an eternal debate concerning what's the best ever BMW M car. To the casual Bavarian-enthusiast the answer is quite simple: E39 M5. However, strong cases can be made for both the E30 M3 and the OG E28 M5, which featured the M1's race-bred 3.5-liter straight-six. In fact, there's a whole subculture of folks that feel a car's not really a BMW (let alone an M) without an inline-six. With that said, the E34 M5 is a pretty compelling candidate for best ever M car, as is the M1. Oddly, no one ever advocates in favor of the E60 M5. Moving on...

Audi Celebrates 100 Years with Special Edition 2010 TT Coupe

Unlike people that celebrate their birthday one day, companies usually try to make the best of it (commercially) by rejoicing all year around. Continuing its centenary festivities, Audi has now announced the launch of a special edition version of its TT 2.0 TFSI Coupe, this time for the Japanese market.

special Infiniti theme pack 2010

This is the first time that Microsoft has made the packages available to partner companies. The special Infiniti theme pack, for example, includes images of various Infiniti vehicles such as the futuristic 2009 Essence Concept.

Porsche Cayman S SpeedART SRS Aerokit

The aerodynamic modifications include a 3-piece front chin spoiler - which provides additional downforce over the front axle, new deeper sideskirts, and an adjustable rear spoiler which has a distinct racing look to it.

Range Rover Sport by Prestige 2010

The Range Rover Sport sets the standard for SUVs .The Prestige design team takes it to the next level with the release of an impressive new styling conversion.?Handcrafted British design retains the hallmark quality of Range Rover but delivers a vehicle which stands out from its contemporaries by creating a bespoke conversion .

McLaren MP4-12C U.S.

According to InsideLine, McLaren is having issues setting up distribution in the U.S., resulting in a delay of the MP4-12C's Stateside launch and its plans to show its newest supercar at the LA Auto Show this December.

Maserati Kuba concept 2010

It was only a few years ago, but how quickly we forget. Maserati actually toyed with the idea of building a crossover back in 2003, even going so far as to unveil a concept for the project called the Kubang GT Wagon at the Detroit Auto Show. The shape was penned by Giugiaro's ItalDesign, but project was scrapped, preserving the Trident marque's chastity in the eyes of many a purist. Now, an ambitious designer out of Russia has revived the idea with a concept he calls the Kuba. Sound familiar?

2011 Mercedes-Benz SLK New

Like a compact SL, the next-gen SLK will be brawnier and more masculine in its appearance than the current SLK, but it will also offer a bit more bite to back up the bark. New tidbits out today hint that the next-gen SLK may end up being one of the most interesting cars in Mercedes-Benz's lineup.

Lamborghini LP 620 YarroW

Wheelsandmore – a German tuner – has released their wonderful Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 called “YarroW”. To increase performance they have used a special stainless steel, valve controlled exhaust system, an ECU upgrade and a special carbon airbox delivering a total of 620hp / 580lb-ft at 6400rpm.

New Audi RS4 Launched in 2010

Audi launch the latest creation A4 back in 2008 but the German brand hasn't also introduced the sportiest model of the series, the RS4. However, it may seem like Audi is getting prepared to introduce the RS4 as soon as next year, with the 2010 Geneva Auto Show likely to host the official unveiling of the car.

The 2010 RS4 will likely be powered by a V8 engine that would produce around 450 hp, a 30 hp boost compared to the earlier model. Additionally, the car will feature larger air intakes as well as a sportier body kit improving both the exterior and the aerodynamics.

2010 Ford Taurus

The Ford Taurus – the car that changed America’s view of full-size sedans – is all-new for 2010 and ready to take on the world’s best, with an upscale new design, impeccable driving dynamics, class-leading technologies and an unbeatable price tag. “The new Ford Taurus sets the pace for Ford’s growing new car launch momentum,” said Mark Fields, president of the Americas. “This sedan completely redefines...

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